Every time you are driving, your car tires take a beating. It is not because you are a bad driver. It is simply the fact that your car tires are exposed to different terrains and surfaces every day. With time, they will get old and worn out. On average, car tires are expected to last about 5 to 10 years with proper maintenance. After some time, they stop being effective. That is why you need to know how to tell if you need new tires on your vehicle. Certain signs will tell you that your tires are worn out. Here... View Article
What can be the issue when your check engine light is on? You can find your car in such a situation. Tracing the issue earlier can help you avoid a serious problem and it’s also a sign you should visit a mechanic. Whenever you find your check engine light on, here are some of the indicators. Replace Your Oxygen Sensor The sensor is used to monitor the air-fuel mixture and it’s responsible for controlling the amount of fuel in the engine. If it’s not working correctly, the car could be consuming too much or too little fuel. Hot exhaust gases... View Article
If you notice liquid dripping from your car, you may become panicked very quickly. This is a natural reaction to something happening to your vehicle, but working to fix the situation as quickly as possible will help your peace of mind. There are many different reasons why liquid may be dripping from your car, so try not to jump to the worst-case scenario when you notice an issue. M & M Tire Service has seen issues with liquid dripping from cars on countless occasions, and they have helped an untold number of customers get these problems fixed rapidly. They are standing by to help you... View Article
It’s a nervous moment for any driver when the steering wheel starts to shake. This is a clear sign something is wrong with the vehicle, but figuring out precisely what is happening is not always so straightforward. What can you do when your car’s steering wheel starts to shake, and you aren’t sure of the cause? At M & M Tire & Service Center, we have some answers for what could be causing this issue. We want to help you just as we have helped our many customers before. We have the knowledge and the expertise to help make it happen. Your... View Article
It’s understandable to become anxious if your “check engine” light turns on, but the problem might not be severe. Understanding diagnostic codes will help you better determine what the underlying problem is with your vehicle. Here’s some information from a mechanic in Lubbock, TX about diagnostic codes in vehicles. About the diagnostics lights and displays The check engine light, also known as the “malfunction indicator lamp,” appears when the vehicle needs to warn you about a problem detected by your onboard diagnostic system. This indicator occurs when you have a problem that could cause your vehicle’s emissions to rise to... View Article