If your car is experiencing problems, you might think that it’s time for a tune-up. Maybe your engine misfired, or the performance seems a little off. You don’t think there’s any major problem—the engine turns over eventually, and you can still get from point A to point B—but maybe you need to have a mechanic take a look. But what exactly is part of a standard tune-up? Today we’ll go over this, as well as take a look at some of the signs that your vehicle is ready for an auto tune-up in Lubbock, TX. What’s included in a tune-up... View Article
Pulling up to a gas station back in the day was much simpler than it is today. Nowadays, you have options for the type of gasoline to put into your vehicle’s fuel tank, such as regular and premium, yet many drivers are not clear on which type of gas their car needs. Because of this, you could be overspending at the pump, and may even be causing unseen damage to your car’s engine. Do some research about your vehicle to avoid potential problems now and later on. Here’s something to ask a mechanic at your next auto tune up in... View Article
The general principles of auto maintenance have not changed much over the decades. It is important to take your vehicle to a mechanic to have him or her look it over, perform some routine maintenance tasks and address any issues that arise before they necessitate major repairs. The actual steps associated with one of these tune-ups, however, have changed on a regular basis over the years. While there’s no single definition about what a tune-up includes or should include, the general ideas are mostly the same no matter where you go in the United States. Typically if you get a... View Article