September 9, 2019
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When you go into an auto repair shop, you’re almost guaranteed to hear some unfamiliar jargon coming from the mechanic. Though a mechanic using technical terms isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can leave you feeling a bit out of the loop when it comes to auto repair in Lubbock, TX. To put your mind at ease, we’ve put together this handy post to teach you some of the lingo you might hear the next time you’re at the auto shop. Continue reading to brush up on your mechanical language: Aftermarket: Many replacement parts used during repair jobs aren’t made... View Article
August 26, 2019
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Unless you’re a car buff, going to the mechanic can be a bit nerve-racking. There are plenty of mechanics out there who are more than willing to overcharge a customer simply because he or she doesn’t have a clue when it comes to their vehicle. Luckily, that won’t be an issue if you keep reading—this post from your friendly mechanic in Lubbock, TX will teach you a few questions to ask that’ll ensure you get the best and fairest service at the auto shop. What services do you offer? Believe it or not, not all mechanics provide a full scope... View Article
August 8, 2019
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Your car’s suspension system includes all of the components that maintain the connection with the road, such as the tires, shock absorbers and power steering. To keep trouble away and ensure a smooth ride each time you’re behind the wheel, you will need to make sure that suspension repair in Lubbock, TX for each of these components is done on time. Follow along with this breakdown to find out how often each one of these major parts of the suspension system should be inspected: Overall maintenance: The suspension system as a whole should receive a comprehensive inspection every 15,000 miles... View Article
July 25, 2019
Published by Writer
At some point the tires on your car will either need to be repaired or replaced, but it can at times be difficult to tell which is the best option in your particular situation. Fortunately, your local tire shop in Lubbock, TX is here with a guide to help solve some of the most common tire problems you will encounter: Punctured tire: Most drivers have dealt with a slow leak caused by a punctured tire at one time or another. This is a relatively easy repair, as it is more or less just a flat tire that needs to be... View Article
July 9, 2019
Published by Writer
The heat takes a toll on all of us, including our vehicles. If your car seems hot, sluggish or just “off” this season, especially on the hottest summer afternoons, you’re not alone. Instead of waiting for a complete breakdown requiring auto repair in Lubbock, TX, check over this list and make sure you’re taking proper precautions this season to take care of your car and yourself: Battery: You may want to examine your battery before the hottest days of summer. Extreme temperatures can take a toll on battery health, especially if your battery is already nearing the end of its... View Article