July 20, 2021
Published by Writer
On hot summer afternoons, your car can become an oven. If the AC in your car isn’t working properly, you may feel like you’re roasting inside your vehicle. If this is the case, it might be time to recharge your AC. You don’t have to suffer through the rest of the summer in a hot car. Here’s what you need to know about recharging for relief. How the AC in your car works Your vehicle’s air conditioning system relies on refrigerant to create cool surroundings in the cabin. If working properly, the system removes moisture from the air and effectively... View Article
July 2, 2021
Published by Writer
Every season brings its own set of unique challenges and issues for vehicle owners. With summer having arrived, what are some of the most common summer car problems? When you think summer, you think heat. It comes as no surprise, then, that many of the most common car problems experienced in the summer are either caused by or exacerbated by hot and humid conditions. Let’s take a look at some of these common summer car issues and how you can address them: Overheating: This is probably the most obvious summer-related car problem: vehicles that overheat, especially when the weather is... View Article
June 18, 2021
Published by Writer
Your brakes might not need to be maintained with the same frequency as, say, your engine oil or other parts of your vehicle, but it’s still important to regularly check them and make sure they’re functioning properly. This means you need to be constantly vigilant of possible brake problems while driving your vehicle. Here are just a few examples of some of the most common warning signs you might experience while behind the wheel that could indicate a need for brake replacement: The dashboard brake light is on: You might notice an indicator light up on the dashboard that indicates... View Article
June 4, 2021
Published by Writer
The process of driving your car causes its engine to generate a considerable amount of heat—so much heat, in fact, that a built-in cooling system is necessary to ensure that your car can keep on chugging even after running for hours. That’s not all the cooling system does, though; it also ensures that your car’s engine doesn’t freeze in frigid weather conditions. One way to know if you need cooling system repairs is to perform a coolant system check in Lubbock, TX. This article will cover why you should check your car’s cooling system, how often you should check it... View Article
May 21, 2021
Published by Writer
If you’ve been driving for any length of time, chances are you’ve had it happen: The dreaded check engine light has come on. You probably acknowledge that this isn’t a good thing, but at the same time, your car seems to be running fine, so maybe you don’t get it checked out right away. If the engine repair light won’t go off, you should have your vehicle examined by an automotive professional in Lubbock, TX because they’ll be able to diagnose the problem and help you fix it. Even if you do this, it would still be helpful to know... View Article